Blog # 1: Chapters 3, 9, and 10 Presentations


      In this blog I will be sharing to my classmates my opinion on the presentations that we had last week during class. I want to start off by saying that I am very surprised at how awesome the groups did, in general. Although this is only the second week of class and sadly I cannot get to see my classmates in person, I feel like if I have known them for months. Honestly, I was a little nervous even though I knew nobody was going to see me. I have always been a little shy, and the simple fact that everyone has to be hearing my voice for more than one minute makes me nervous. Also, I have an accent and that makes it even worse.Working in teams is a very great way to communicate our ideas.

           via GIPHY
     The first group of our class presented chapter one of our textbook and did a great job as well as the rest of the students in the class. This chapter is about intercultural communication. The individuals in this group defined culture and the role of communication in it, explained the relationship between dominant and co-culture, described the seven dimensions in which cultures differ, described the inherent barriers in intercultural communication, and practiced the methods to develop competent intercultural communication. I learned a lot of new concepts and interesting facts about cultures and ethnicities. 

                                   via GIPHY

   The second group, which was going to present after the first, as planned, had some issues that I ams till not very sure about. I just know that we were supposed to be the last group to present and ended up being the second. Their topic was communication in groups. They identified the different types of groups, described the characteristics of healthy groups, explained the stages through which groups develop, and employed strategies to manage group conflicts effectively. I believe that this is very important to know, since we are always dealing with people everywhere we go. This information is very useful and we should put it into practice in our everyday life by communicating appropriately  with people around us.

       My group was the third group, but we presented after the first. I believe that me and my teammates did an awesome job. We communicated our ideas clearly and in an organized way. We were texting all the time to plan how everything was going to be. Our topic was group leadership and problem solving. Our job was to explain how leadership functions in teams, describe how to run effective meetings, engage in the six steps of systematic problem solving, communicate group solutions in a variety of forms, and evaluate group effectiveness using key criteria. We all did our part and we got great results. 
     Lastly, I want to say that I am very excited about doing blogs and I feel very confident about it. I am not the best writer, but practice makes perfect. I believe that all my classmates are doing a good job, even when some of us are new to online schooling. It shows how capable we are of doing things when we really want to accomplish them.  


  1. Excellent writing. I loved your visuals. I agree that everyone has done a great job for learning and presenting online.


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