Disabilities Blog

        Today I will be writing a blog about our presentations regarding disabilities. I was really interested in this presentation because it allowed me to learn about different disabilities in depth and gain more knowledge about how to help people in these situations. I was also kind of nervous about how I would present my ideas for this project. I wanted to make sure that how or what I said did not come across as offensive to some people and I wanted to make sure the information was accurate. 

       Group 1’s presentation was about mobility, spinal, and head disabilities. They explained what each disability was and they gave examples for each type. They also described how these disabilities affect a person's life and how they can get these types of disabilities. I felt that they did a really good job presenting but I do feel that they should have tried to keep a cohesive theme throughout their powerpoint and that they could have added more pictures or less writing per slide. This could help make it a bit easier for people to understand/view their presentation.
         Group 2 was next to present and their presentation was about visual and hearing disabilities. They
described the disabilities and how people can get these types of disabilities. They also gave a lot of examples for each disability. Although, I felt that they should have tried to make sure that everything fit into the slides well and made sure things did not overlap because it made it hard to read and understand some slides. But overall they did a great job and they helped me learn and understand a lot about visual and hearing disabilities.

Group 3 was next to present. Our presentation was about cognitive, psychological, and invisible disabilities. We started off by breaking up into pairs and picking the chapters we were going to do. Then we split into 3 groups and picked the disability each group was working on. I feel that we split the work very evenly and everyone did their part. We also communicated very well and helped clear up any misunderstandings that may have occurred. We also kept in mind the theme of the presentation and tried to limit the amount of words in each slide to make it easy for the audience to take in. We talked about different examples of each disability, how they affect a person's life, and how people with these disabilities are viewed. Although, I do think we could improve on how quickly we get the presentation done.

Overall I think each group did a great job describing and presenting their project on disabilities in a unique and interesting way. I feel as though I have learned so much through these presentations and they have made me more aware as to how people with these disabilities may feel and how different their lives are from ours. This also helped me understand the importance of learning about others' situations and you can help improve it.


  1. Great! It is good to learn about other people and how we can help make their lives easier!!


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