Blog for Chapter 3, 9, and 10 Presentation.

              Hello, this blog will be going over our first presentation that my class did for our speech class. All of the students in our class were split into three groups, so that we may all cover a different chapter. Group one went over chapter three Intercultural Communication, group two went over chapter nine Communicating in groups, and last my group went over chapter ten Group leadership and problem solving.  I was really happy that my chapter was about leadership and problem solving because I just got out of the military and leadership plays a very important roll in your military service. Overall, I was pleased with assignment, and I did not find it to be very difficult for our first presentation, hopefully the rest of the semester is the same.

As stated above group one presented first and they covered chapter three. They spoke about culture and communication, dominant cultures, co-cultures, and cultural identity, how cultures differ, and developing intercultural communication competence. I think group one did a great job and set a good standard for the rest of the class. Also, in my opinion their presentation was the one that I thought about the most after all the other groups presented. My favorite part was when one of their group members spoke about how western product manufacturers care more about creed in comparison to eastern manufactures that care more about the products quality.

             Group two at first had some technical difficulties and because of this they were not able to present the same day as the rest of the class. Nonetheless they were assigned to go over chapter nine. Their presentation went over the nature and types of groups, characteristics of healthy groups, stages of group development, and conflicts in groups. Unfortunately, I also experienced some technical difficulties that day so I was not able to see the whole presentation but what I enjoyed the most was that the presentation was full of pictures and they had a lot of cool designs. Overall, I found their presentation to be very resourceful.

Last but not least my group went over chapter ten. In our presentation we went over leadership, effective meetings, systematic problem solving, communicating group solutions, and evaluating group effectiveness. I was meant to go first for our group, but I went to the restroom and to my surprise my group was moved up to present after group one. This however was not a problem because my group members were able to inform me and I made it back to present right after our first member went. I want to say for a group of individuals who for the most part have never spoken to each other, we all came together seamlessly and worked together in harmony to put together our presentation. Overall, I think our presentation was good with lots of pictures and our group members were knowledgeable in their role of our presentation.

In conclusion, I think all the groups did a great job with their presentations, and we all did a great job with our public specking which I feel is the most important part of this class. I look forward to the rest of the semester and to work with the rest of my group.


  1. Awesome blog!! Again thank you so much for your service to our great country! I hope you are continuing enjoying the class!


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