Chapter 3, 9, and 10 Presentation Feedback

    In this blog I will be talking about the presentations that occurred last week in my speech class. I was so excited to work with my group because I knew a couple people so it was a bit easier for me to talk to other people. I was also excited and nervous before my presentation because I didn’t know the majority of the class. But whenit came to present I saw that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. It was nice to see the creative liberties each group took when creating their powerpoints and overall the groups did an amazing job. 

Group one was the first to present their project. They talked about intercultural communication which is very important in today's world because we are surrounded by people with different cultures and customs and it's good to know how you should communicate with different people. Although, I do feel that they should have only used one powerpoint to save time and they should have condensed the information a bit in order to make the slides easier for people to take in the information. Although, I think they did an excellent job when they presented.

The next group to present was group three. I feel as though our group did an excellent job communicating with each other and making sure that everyone got their part done and making sure everyone understood. Our topic was leadership and problem solving. We described how a leader should be, what members of groups should do, and how to define and solve problems. We also made sure to include how this can be used in the real world like to solve new problems or in a work environment when you need to work with the people around you. I liked that we all stuck to mostly pictures and little words for the slide. But we did have some issues when we presented because some people were unprepared to go at their time but I think we did a great job.

The last ones to present was group two, this was due to the fact that they had technical difficulties. Their topic was communication in groups. They explained what the different groups were and how they could effectively communicate in order to create a happy environment. This is great for today's world because at some point you have to work with others and this can teach you how to work with various types of people. Although, I also think they should have shortened the number of words per slide. I think they did an excellent job presenting and explaining their topic.

In conclusion, even though we weren't able to present in front of each other in a classroom this was still a great experience. I was able to learn about so many different things and I got to know more of my classmates because of this project. I believe everyone did a great job presenting and creating their presentations. I was also happy to see that everyone pulled their weight and everyone was treated well. 


  1. Excellent!! Great writing and very nice things. I a so glad you are enjoying your group. This is half the fun for sure!


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