Blog #2: Theme Presentations

   In this blog I am going to be talking about our group presentation for the themes. In this case, we had to talk about disabilities and how they were related to some of the book chapters. I will be talking about my group, how we interacted with each other and planned our presentation, and the results of our work. All this has been a new experience for all of us, since remote learning started because of the new pandemic coronavirus, and some of us are not too familiar with this online schooling. 
    First, we started texting in the group chat  about the role of each person and figuring who was going to do each thing in the slides. We divided ourselves into mini groups. The disabilities that we had to talk about were: cognitive disabilities, psychological disabilities, and invisible disabilities. Me and Martina chose invisible disabilities. I did a big research about all the invisible disabilities that exist and found it very interesting to learn all of that. Some of them include anxiety disorders, depression, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, autism, and schizophrenia. 
      Group work is extremely important, because it teaches us how to communicate properly and at the same time we get to learn about this important topic. I know a lot of people that struggle with anxiety disorders and depression, and I have had to deal with a lot of anxiety myself. I believe that we all go through some sort of anxiety at some point in our lives, since we have to go through a lot of stressful situations throughout our lives. 
      In my opinion, my group and the rest of my classmates did a great job in this project. I believe we all presented very well, since the presentations were very clear, slyly concise, direct and appealing. I am surprised at how good and fast my group finished the slides. I cannot believe there are so many people put there with many different disabilities, and this project encouraged me to start volunteering to help in places where there are disabled people and doing services hours for the community. I would love to learn more about disabilities and their characteristics. It is essential to keep in mind that we should always respect all people regardless of their disabilities, age, sex, race, ethnicity, and religion. We should help each other as humans, and be a team at all times. I want to be involved in many activities in October if the pandemic is over. I loved and really enjoyed working with my classmates. Although I was not able to see them in person because of the coronavirus, I made new friends and I am really happy about that, because could even meet in person some day. 
    We all learned a lot in this special project, and, honestly, I think it was a great idea for the teacher to decide to put our poster in the school campus in October for Awareness Month. My mind has changed since I did the research, because I look at disabled people a different way now. Now I just want to help all of them and love them from the bottom of my heart. The fact that they have a disability does not mean they are of less value or that they deserve less. People with disabilities have all my respect and my heart.


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