Chapter 3, 9, & 10 Presentation Blog

Hello, this blog is going to be focusing on our first presentation in SPC1017. I will basically be giving feedback on my classmate’s presentations and provide some other details about the whole process. To begin, our class was split into three groups and each was assigned a chapter. Each person had to do at least three slides and include a few words with some pictures and graphs that went along with their assigned section. I was nervous in the beginning as this is my first semester in MDC and I have never really presented in front of or worked with people I am not familiar with. However, my nerves went away as soon as I realized that everyone had respect for each other and everyone was very committed to the assignment.

Group 1 was assigned chapter 3, Intercultural Communication. They spoke about dominant cultures, co-cultures, and cultural identity and how they all interrelate with each other. They were the first group to present and I was very impressed with their presentation. They seemed like they knew the material very well and expressed their ideas very professionally. I did learn many new things from this presentation thanks to that. However, I do have some suggestions that could have made their PowerPoint even better. For the future, they can try to incorporate more pictures and less writing. They could have also shared one big PowerPoint just to take up less time. Other than that, they did amazing!

Group 2 was assigned chapter 9, Communicating in Groups. They mainly talked about different types of groups and their development as well as healthy groups and conflict that could arise among them. Group 2 was the last to present due to some technical issues however I really enjoyed their presentation. I liked all of the pictures and the designs that they incorporated in it. I also liked how each person expressed their information in a different way and style. I found it very resourceful as we are constantly working with other people for a number of reasons.

Group 3 was assigned chapter 10, Group Leadership and Problem Solving. This was the group I was assigned and we presented second. We mostly talked about how to maintain a stable work environment by assigning everyone a task and also talked about a system that could be used for problem solving. We created a Whats App group chat to discuss and coordinate the presentation. We texted every day to make sure everyone did their part and we also helped each other out. Everyone in my group put in a lot of effort to pull this off and I think our hard work payed off.

To conclude, I think we all did a great job for this being our first presentation. I can tell that everyone worked hard and put in a lot of effort. I definitely learned a lot of things from doing this presentation. My ability to work in groups and present in front of others benefited from this whole experience. I find this idea of sharing our thoughts on our classmate’s work very interesting because we can learn from each other. Nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement!


  1. I absolutely loved your blog!! Not only are you a great writer but you are also a very interested and interesting student. Your pictures are great!

  2. I don't think my 1st comments published. If they did ...oh well. Great blog and you wrote a very interesting reflection. I loved your visuals!


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