Chapters 3, 9, and 10 Presentations Summarized.

     In this post I will be talking about the presentations that my class did for our speech class. My group was in charged of Chapter 10, so we were the last group of all the groups. I was really happy that I was able to be in a group with some of my friends, especially with Jorge since we are cousins, and we worked together for the presentation. Usually I'm not nervous when presenting so I was just calm during everything and whenever I needed to speak up, I would. Overall I was pretty relaxed with the presentation and It was generally easy to find the information for the presentation. 

     The first group was sent to present chapter 3, which was about intercultural communication. In my opinion their presentation was good, however of course each presentation has its flaws. I believe a large flaw was that everyone did seperate little seperate presentations instead of one large presentation in which people would just speak one after the other. I do think some time was wasted as people had to wait for their presentations to upload and then speak. However leaving that point behind, they did give off the necessary information required by the professor. They clarified the connection among prevailing and co-culture, portrayed the seven measurements wherein societies vary, depicted the intrinsic obstructions in intercultural correspondence, and rehearsed the strategies to create capable intercultural correspondence. In this presentation I learned alot of new concepts and facts about ethnicities and cultures. 

     The second group was in charge of chapter 9, and were supposed to present right after the first group but they ran into some problems about the presentation and were told to present the week after. Their topic was based on communication in groups. They made sure to talk about several types of groups , the different characteristics in each type of group, how a group develops to completion, how to maintain a happy and healthy group, and how to solve conflicts within the groups. I believe that knowing this information is very important, since most of the time we are working together, and that it is useful to know this information since we need to know how a group works and how to make it grow. 

     The third group was the last group however was the second to present, it was also the group I was in. I do believe that my groups presentation was well done, since we all had worked on the same presentation and really faced no technical problems presenting. The only little problem was that the first person to present was at the bathroom during the time, but still he presented right after the second person to speak. My group was in charge of chapter 10, which was about group leadership and problem solving. Everyone in my team worked hard and each person had completed their work and do their part correctly. 

     In the end, I do believe that everyone did a fantastic job at their presentations and did a great job at speaking. I am especially very happy that my group did an awesome job at working and presenting together. Everyone was treated with respect and were very helpful when anyone needed help during the presentation. 


  1. Excellent blog. You are a nice writer. I am glad you felt you received the assistance you needed.


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