Chapter 3, 9, 10

My goal throughout this blog is to critic all the group presentations and state my personal opinions on how each one did. I personally was a bit timid about the presentation to begin with because I wasn’t well acquainted with anyone in the group. However, come to think of it everyone in the group could not have been more supportive and helpful. We were truly and honestly able to creative a very healthy and productive creative atmosphere and I can honestly say I am very happy with what my group was able to accomplish and the connections we’ve managed to make between us.
Group one spoke about intercultural communications. They talked about how important intercultural communications can be in today’s world especially living in the united states where diversity is encouraged. Every culture has its own customs and rules and slang what could be offensive to someone else might not necessarily be offensive to you. I think group one did an excellent job presenting this and made it very clear and direct with their message. Everything they taught I believe could be used in your day to day life and is vital in order to live a peaceful life and not do any harm to others unnecessarily.  
The next group to present was group three which was my group! I think we did a great with the teamwork itself our group was very good at communicating and making everyone’s role in the group clear and there weren’t any slackers everyone kept their own weight in the project. I like how we were able to do our presentation in the visual aspect I personally am very into artistic point of view on things and I felt that the slides were very simple and clear to understand it had a very pleasing look in my opinion I’m proud of the presentation with managed to make.
The last to present was group two. Group two focused on communications in between groups. Group two was having a lot of technical difficulties and thus they were left for last, but they were able to pull themselves together well they explained the different groups there are and how to maintain a healthy form of communication between each group. I think they did a great job explaining this topic too however I believe they could have made the slides a little shorter and more simplistic for the reader to keep focus.
All in all, I believe every group did great with what they had to work with. I understand that we can’t meet up in class and discuss such items in person and be able to communicate face to face. However, every group did great with they tool they were provided, and I believe everyone was able to communicate and share the work between people effectively and productively. I’m proud to see that everyone was able to carry their weight in the project and the distribution of the work seemed fair between all of us. Well thank you for coming to my TED Talk!


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