Presentations of Chapters 3,9,10 summarized

          Hey Guys! As you probably guessed by the title, in todays blog I will be focusing on the presentations taken place in the first couple weeks of June. This summer term I decided to take SPC1017 as an online course. Although the transition has not been easy, I am more than grateful to the professor for putting in her best efforts. A good method she included in her ways to teach the class was by having the students split up into three groups, in each group, a different chapter was assigned. This way, we heard the most important parts of a chapter from students like ourselves and at the same time, the components of speaking infant of people and communicating was taken place. Group 1 was assigned chapter 3, Group 2 chapter 9, and group 3 chapter 10. 
Meme: "Hey guys welcome back to my vlog" - All Templates - Meme ...
          First up was Group 1 introducing chapter 3. Their presentation focused on culture and communication, cultural identity, dominant cultures, how some cultures can be different, and developing intercultural communication competence. For being the first group up, they did a pretty well job. Usually when it is time to present in class, the first people updo the worst because they don't know what to expect or having anything to follow. It was good to learn about this chapter, especially with everything going on at the moment with BLM movement where we need to be able to develop co-culture. Not let a certain culture be dominant over the rest in a negative way. 
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          Next up was group 2 introducing chapter 9. Chapter two had some technical difficulties causing group three to go ahead and present out of order and when least expected but just like in the real world, life will throw you a curve ball and you need to be prepared. None the less, they resolved the issue by the following class and were able to move forward with their presentation. They focused on the ideas of communicating in groups, as well as the nature and characteristics of groups, and conflict/ group development between the groups. Once again, it was a very important chapter to learn about as group communication is key. In life, most of the decisions you make will likely involve more than one person. Classrooms, Jobs, family, they all require communication between more than one or two people and learning about this now certainly came with a great advantage. 
When group communication seems broken, what can you do to make it ...
          Last but definitely not least, was group 3 introducing chapter 10. This was my group and all I could say is, I couldn't be more proud on all the dedication we put in as a group and were able to see our results sail smoothly during the presentation. Our presentation focused on Group Leadership and Problem-Solving. Just like the previous two chapters, this was just as important to learn about. As a person with views of potentially owning a business and having employees to care for, chapter 10 went hand and hand with this. It opened our eyes to certain methods to bring up when trying to come to a decision as a team. It demonstrated the great ways to show leadership in a humbling and true way. 
Scumbag Boss - Never read your mails blame you for lack of communication         
         Every group did amazing and was able to teach the class important topics in an unconventional way. I am glad I decided to take this course. I am thankful for the students, professor and most importantly my group members for pushing each other forward. I look forward to developing my communication skills in this course. 
Thats about it for today, have a good one!! -Katie Amable
Bye Bye MySQL & MongoDB. Guten Tag PostgreSQL


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