Speech Blog Amanda Rodriguez

Amanda Rodriguez 

         In this blog I will share my viewpoint on each of the presentations as well as what I learned from them. Usually I am extremely nervous to speak in front of of the class but since we are all at home and I had my friends in the class with me, I felt more confident in my presentation. I am looking forward to what our professor has in store for the rest of the semester. 


The first group spoke about Chapter 3: intercultural communication. Their presentation consisted of culture communication , dominant cultures, co-cultures, cultural identity and how cultures differ. The United States is a multicultural society therefore, it is imperative that each of us learn how to effectively communicate with different cultures. One small flaw I saw from group 3 were that some slides had paragraphs of writing; it would have been better to incorporate more images into the presentation.


Next presentation was on Chapter 9: Communicating in Groups. They experienced an issue uploading their presentation so they were instructed to present the following class. Nonetheless, their presentation was well conducted considering their setback. Communicating in groups is important since humans are not mind readers. If we do not communicate while making a group decision, then it is no longer a group decision. We must all speak up in order to see the best possible outcome. Their topics included the characteristics, stages, and conflict in groups. Groups range from family and friends to service , work and virtual groups. Effective group communication is not only for work and school , but our social and romantic lives as well. 


My group and I created our presentation on Chapter 10: Group Leadership and Problem Solving. This chapter speaks on how effective leaders are able to communicate well, motivate their team, handle responsibilities and solve problems. Meetings are one of the most common forms of group communication in the workplace, so it is important to effectively plan for and facilitate a meeting. The amount of members in our group made the workload a lot smoother since we each could concentrate on our own parts of the chapter, ensuring we didn’t miss anything important to teach the class. 



At the end of the day , all the groups did an amazing job for our first presentation. I am incredibly glad I am in a group that is able to independently and cohesively work together. Our presentation ran smoothly and there were no interruptions throughout it. I believe after this semester I will become a pro at public  speaking and rarely get nervous anymore


  1. Excellent blog! I believe you will continue to becoming an even better speaker than you already are. So glad you are part of our class.


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