Blog #2 Disabilities Presentation

Hello, this blog will discuss the last presentation we did in class concerning disabilities. The overall purpose of this assignment was to raise awareness and gain more knowledge about a topic that many are not familiar with. This can be a tricky subject to address as some points may come out offensive if not addressed and talked about properly. There were many components to this assignment besides a powerpoint, which included: interviews, research, an agenda, a poster, a brochure, and a study guide. At first, this seemed a bit overwhelming but as I started to do some research about the subject, the information seemed very interesting and useful. There are a lot of disabilities out there and they were divided among the class groups so more information could be found about them.

First thing I want to do is give some feedback to the classmates who were not in my group. Group 1 talked about Mobility, Spinal & Head Disabilities. I think they presented their information very well and they were very informed on their issue. Group 2 talked about Hearing and Visual Disabilities. I really enjoyed their poster and brochure, I thought they were both visually appealing and informational. I think both groups did an amazing job and I could tell that they both put in a lot of effort.

Next, I will talk about my group and the process we went through to get our final product. I am in group 3 and we were assigned Psychological, Cognitive, and Invisible Disabilities. The first thing we did was split the chapters and disabilities amongst ourselves. Emily, Jorge, Daryan, and I were in charge of cognitive disabilities. From there, we each gave each other a task. Emily talked about organizations, Jorge gave some examples, Daryan talked about American vs. World views, and I did the interview. In our Whats app group chat, the whole group checked in with each other frequently to help each other out and make sure everything was going accordingly.

Now I want to talk a bit about my main task for this assignment because it included doing something I had never done before. My main part was to do an interview with Dora Mejia-Montoya, the Testing and Assessment Director at the MDC Hialeah Campus. I had never interviewed anyone before so I was a bit nervous to carry out my part. I also had a rough time trying to come up with questions; I wanted to make sure I sounded professional and not ask anything offensive. The interview organized through email which made it easier to incorporate her responses into the powerpoint and made me less anxious as well. In the end, I think everything went very well.

To finish off, I could tell that everyone put in a lot of effort and did their best to achieve the best result. I am much more informed and aware about this issue. I gained some sympathy for people with disabilities as I learned about some of their daily struggles. This Disabilities project has really taught me a lot and the information I learned can be useful and applied in the future. Professor Sherri is not wrong when she says this is a life class!


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