Blog #2 Disabilities

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Hey guys welcome back to my blog! Today's topic will be covering the 

presentations that took place in SPC1017 this past week. This project/speech was more time consuming and elaborate than the previous chapter 3,9,10 presentations. In my opinion, it was also more interesting and much more useful in the long wrong. Once again for this project we were split up in groups and luckily, we were able to remain in our previous groups for better comfort. The three groups received different topics with group 1 focusing on Mobility, spinal and head disabilities. Group 2 focused on hearing and visual disabilities, and Group 3 did invisible, cognitive, and psychological disabilities. The project components and requirements were to make a PowerPoint and present a speech going over the subtopics, turning in a poster and a brochure. 


To start off I would like to say, I think every group did an outstanding job. I surely learned about disabilities, circumstances and treatments I had never heard before. Each group was also fluent with their words, quick to speak, not lagging over the same things and the slides looked like they took a fair amount of work and time. I noticed the work was split up evenly in most groups as well. My favorite thing about them was the interview conducted in group two. They found someone perfect for their exact disability. The person elaborated on their responses and seemed more than prepared to tackle each question. Overall, I am glad this is how Professor Sherri decided to conduct this part of the class. Having students like each of us, teach us about current disabilities around us in our perspectives was the smartest idea.

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I am a member of Group 3. We focused on invisible, cognitive, and psychological disabilities. We later decided to break these subtopics into smaller groups and have 3-4 people working on each. When I saw the opportunity, I quickly requested to be a part of the group tackling the psychological disabilities. The way our brain works, how it keeps us alive, how it tells us to breathe is marvelous but it’s also the same brain that causes us to think lower of ourselves, the same brain leading numerous of disabilities that we or others around us go through. Psychology is actually my major, this project was awesome because it wasn’t just another speech or project that has no fulfillment towards my knowledge and academic goal, but instead, I was able to explore deeply in topics that my field consists of. 

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 Researching these topics surely opened my eyes to just how many people around us are probably going through disabilities and fighting them daily but we don’t see them. It’s the type of disability that is practically invisible. You see a person in the street in a wheelchair and you automatically know they have a disability and if you see them struggling you know the right thing to do is help them. However, somebody else might be walking down the street with an eating disorder, personality disorder, depression, anxiety, and you won’t even know. That person might need more help than anyone in a wheelchair but we don’t necessarily see it so we just go on about our day. The statistics for each of these disabilities were way higher than I thought. They also affect men and women almost the same, I used to think there was a big gap between genders but thanks to more research I was proved wrong.


FAU - Office for Students with Disabilities

Overall, this was a great project and opportunity for higher learning. I am extremely proud of my group and how efficiently we were able to split up and conquer our work. I think we did a great job at keeping it interesting with charts, posters, and videos for other perspectives and our visual learners. The only downside however that I will accept was the fact we didn’t cite our sources. It was a mistake on our part, we were called out for it, and now we learn and know for next time. With this I close todays post, Thank You guys for reading, have a great day!! 

-Katie Amable


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  1. Great Katie!!! I also learned so much from the presentations. I really appreciate all of everyone's hard work!


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