Disabilities Blog

July 8, 2020

     Today I will be talking about the presentation that occurred a few weeks ago. These presentations were about disabilities, like cognitive, invisible, and other types of disabilities. They was 3 groups total, I was in group 3, the final group to present. Group one was about mobility, spinal, and head disabilities. Group 2 was based on visual and hearing disabilities. My group was based on cognitive, invisible, and psychological disabilities. My job was based stating the struggles children and adults might face throughout their life with a cognitive disability. I was also tasked with stating the American and World views.

     Group 1 was the first to present, they were tasked with mobility, spinal, and head disabilities. Group 1's introduction was about mobility, spinal, and head disabilities. They defined what every disability was and they gave examples for each one. They also explained how these disabilities influence an individual's life and how they can get these kinds of disabilities. I think they did a great job however I do think that they should have tried to keep a unity between subjects throughout their power point and that they could have included more pictures or less text per slide. This would've made it easier for me to understand

     After group 1 was group 2, they were in charge of visual and hearing disabilities. They depicted the disabilities and how individuals can get these kinds of handicaps. They additionally gave examples for every disabilities. Despite the fact that, I felt that they should have attempted to ensure that everything fit into the slides well and ensured things didn't cover since it made it difficult to peruse and see a few slides. In any case, in general they worked admirably and they helped me learn and comprehend a great deal about visual and hearing handicaps.

     The final group was my group, Group 3. We were in charge of invisible, cognitive and psychological disabilities. My group decided to split into 3 groups, one for each disability, I was put inside the first group, the Cognitive group, there was 4 of us. Our communication was superb, when ever one of us had a problem the others would help each other. Our group members made sure to minimize the words as they can and try to include more visuals inside the presentation. The cognitive group made sure to include multiple examples and definitions to help give more information. I was charged with giving examples a person with a specific disability and try to explain American VS. World Views, however I do think I should've better with that point. However, I do think that my group did a good job at the presentation and presenting it. 

     Generally speaking I figure each group worked together great and introducing their undertaking on handicaps in a special and fascinating manner. I feel like I have learned a lot about these different disabilities.  I believe each group explained each disability greatly and as well as make it able to be understood by people that don't know a lot of the different types of disabilities. Ultimately I think all the groups did an amazing job.


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